8:30 Breakfast and poster set up
9:00 Welcoming remarks:
9:10 Keynote:
Social Regulation of Human Gene Expression
Steve Cole, UCLA
Session 1: Anhedonia/Depression
Convener: Fernanda Laezza, University of Texas Medical
10:00 Retinoic Acid Signaling: Novel Targets for Depression-related Behavior
Tom Green, UTMB
10:20 Deep Brain Stimulation of the Medial Forebrain Bundle:
Significant Responses in Treatment Resistant Depression
Albert Fenoy, University of Texas Health Science
10:40 Selected Abstract
10:55 Break
11:15 Workgroup Breakout sessions
Biological Psychiatry
Drug Discovery
Health Psychology
Cross-institutional Research Registry
12:00-12:45 Lunch and poster session
Session 2 Trauma
Convener: Robert Dantzer, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
1:20 TBD
Chris Fagundes, Rice University
1:40 The Neurobiological Embedding of Early Life Stress and Trauma: Mechanistic Pathways Underlying Mental Health Risk and Resiliency
Johanna Bick, University of Houston
2:00 Selected Abstract
Session 3: Pain and Chronic Illness
Convener: Chris Fagundes, Rice University
2:15 Curable Schizophrenia: Autoimmune Psychosis
Joseph Masdeu, Houston Methodist
2:35 Resolution of Pain and Depression: A Key Role for the Immune
Annemieke Kavelaars, MD Anderson Cancer Center
2:55 TBD
Alan Prossin, University of Texas Health Science Center
3:15 Selected Abstract
3:30 Networking and Coffee Break
4:00 Keck Seminar Keynote:
Lovesick: How Couples’ Relationships Influence Health
Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, OSU
5:00 Reception